An article from: “WE THE FUTURE”

How discrimination on the basis of caste, color still prevails
By Abhishek Kumar Pal

We live in a world where discriminating people on the basis of cast, color, and creed is considerably prevented by constitutions and laws, and mitigated by affirmative actions.
We are aware of the fact that India is widely perceived to be the most cast society nation in the world, where people still enormously believe in the millennia-old social stratification system of Varna and Jati.

But what about the developed world? Let’s take the United States.

Well! You might say the 1960s victorious civil rights movement abolished racial discrimination in the US.

Has it?

You are wrong, racial discrimination is still a harsh reality for the leader of the free world.
On 8th January 2019, the TIME magazine featured the story of an African American woman, who was in labour and discriminated by doctors and nurses because of her colour. It cost her the life of her new baby girl.

The TIME report pointed out; “In wealthiest nations, black women dying in child birth at rates comparable to those in the poorer colonized nation.”
According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, black women are 243% more likely to die from pregnancy childbirth-related causes than are white women.

Elizabeth Warren @ewarren
Black moms in our country are dying from childbirth-related causes 3-4 times more often than white moms. Any meaningful solution to our maternal mortality crisis must address structural racism as a root cause of this problem.