Most believers and non-believers young and old want to make a difference and not just in their community, but throughout the world. 

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YHH  Youth Executive Program

1) YHH Youth Board Of Directors “THE BOARD” will advocate on behalf of its members and various community stakeholders in order to inspire positive change and uphold a youth-friendly nation.

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2) YOUTH-TO-YOUTH PROGRAMThere has been a movement (shift) happening in many schools because our youth are starting to see each other as valuable, insightful leaders. 

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3) Youth and Today’s Technology Program

There are many people (not just seniors) who feel like today’s technology has left them behind and not connected to the world around them.

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4) Programs for Indigenous Youth

YHH.ROCKS aim is to strengthen and support the capacity of Indigenous youth to be leaders and discover other cultures by participating in local, national and international volunteer programs. 

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